
Brothy Coconut Mussels

Brothy Coconut Mussels

Warm and cozy with double carbs

Only 5 ingredients go into this very approachable preparation on a typically fancy protein


Makes 2 servings

1 package Trader Joe’s Patagonia Mussels - this is the approachable part. This package is super inexpensive and the mussels are already cooked. If you can get your hands on fresh mussels, you can do that, just have to make sure you cook them until they open, which is about 5-6 minutes on full steam

1/2 of a 13 oz can of coconut milk

1 tbsp of your favorite curry paste - I like to make one from this amazing spice blend from Savory Spice and equal parts melted coconut oil.

1 cup seafood stock - I make my own by boiling leftover shrimp shells & tails or fish skins with random veggie scraps any time I have them. Strain into a Tupperware, label with name & date, and freeze for a rainy day. You can of course use store bought seafood or veggie stock here

1 tbsp crushed red pepper (recommended but optional for some heat)

2 servings of Sciallatelli or Linguine - cooked in salted water to package instructions for al dente

Big handful cilantro and/or parsley, roughly chopped

Loaf of crusty bread, buttered and toasted


Warm up a heavy bottomed dutch oven or stock pot with a tablespoon of the curry paste, stirring around until it is aromatic. After a few minutes, slowly whisk in the coconut milk. Once combined, whisk in the seafood stock. Let it come up to a simmer. Stir in the red pepper now if using.

In a separate pot, start your pasta.

Drop in your mussels. The beauty of these is that you’re really just warming them through since they’re already cooked. Stir and simmer 4-5 minutes while your pasta is cooking. Once it is al dente, bring it straight over into the pot of curry and let it finish cooking in the broth.

Plate in a large bowl with tons of herbs and a piece (or two, or three) of crusty bread to soak it all up!

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